From small streams, big rivers flow.
Our school vision reflects our local context of gentle, rolling pastures with a calm and beautiful river running through. This vision is deeply rooted in Psalm 23 ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’. The psalm speaks of Jesus as the good shepherd guiding us through life. Through Christian values, we hope to guide all the children in our care, from the very start of their educational journey, right through to leaving us for their next phase of education, using the analogy: ‘From small streams, big rivers flow.’
The psalm goes on to talk about the journey of life bringing its difficult times: ‘even though I walk through the darkest valley’, there is nothing to fear. Our school community is here to guide and support, even through difficult times.
The psalm concludes that the unstinting care of the shepherd continues throughout life: ‘Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life’, in the same way that our school and Christian values seek to equip all our children for life. Our school Christian values, with the acronym of RIVERS, reflects our hope for our community, of a life ‘beside quiet waters’; peaceful, calm, nourishing and flourishing.
Our values:
R – Relationships – We believe building healthy relationships and showing compassion and empathy is crucial to navigating the complex, and constantly shifting world.
I – Integrity – We believe doing the right thing and being honest, fair, and ethical in our actions is a really important value.
V – Valour – We believe in encouraging the bravery and courage to stand up for what we believe in.
E – Excellence – We aim to inspire all our children to continually aspire for excellence in everything they do.
R – Respect – We encourage all children to have the utmost respect for themselves, knowing that they are valued and important people. Furthermore we value respect for others, for their similarities and their differences.
S – Service – We aim to promote the value of service and being global citizens who take an active role in our community, serving others to make our planet more peaceful, sustainable and fair.
We are proud that each term’s worship is therefore based around these:
- Term 1: Relationships
- Term 2: Integrity
- Term 3: Valour
- Term 4: Excellence
- Term 5: Respect
- Term 6: Service
To Change The World For Better
Our vision is that we will create capable, confident, independent learners who have the resilience and self-belief to change the world for the better. For our children to develop a love for learning and for life in a happy, calm and peaceful environment. We will teach our children the skills to achieve success and be inspired by opportunities. We aim to foster a community of inquiry, wherein our children welcome the diversity of each other’s views and are empowered to take more responsibility for their learning.
We will help our children to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to embrace new challenges. Supported by the ethos and teachings of Christianity, our children will be taught to appreciate the world in which we live and to have respect for others as well as themselves. Our work promotes democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.